Friday 19 August 2011

Back to school makeup!

So i know i haven't done a post since my terrable version of Twiggy but thought i would do a photo collection of back to school makeup. 
 First of all i mixed two products together to create a nice tinted moisturiser.
 The products I used were Rimmel match perfection foundation and Johnson's baby lotion.
 Next i dotted it all over my face in the places i would normally use my everyday foundation
 and just covered it all over my face with a powder brush.

 Then, using the All over cover stick from ELF i concealed on my blemishes and under my eyes
covering any dark circles. 

 After this i set my face makeup with a loose powder from natural collection. this just takes any shine away from my face and makes my makeup set for the full day. 

 Onto the eyes, i used the palette from ELF and used two different colors one is just a neutral skin tone color and the other just a bright white.
 Before putting any shadow on my eyes i used the All over cover stick again as a base to my eye shadow.
I then used this neutral toned color shadow all over my lid.
 Next i used this bright white what makes you look very awake just near the roots of my lashes and the inner corner of my eye, you could also use this is a highlight on the brow bone. 

 Next using a mascara from Natural collection i put a thin coat on my lashes, keeping it natural looking.
and finally filling the brows lightly again keeping it very natural. 
This is the final look i think its great for school, really simple and light and will stay on the face all day! i never used to wear eyeshadow on the eyes but i think it makes you look really awake and ready! have a nice time at school guys and have fun!
p.s. please don't take notice of my ginger hair :( 

thank you Serena xxx


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ABSOLUTLEY stunning! I cant find where to follow! </3

  3. aw thankyou and it should be on the top bar xx
