Tuesday 20 December 2011

Questions and answers...

  • What’s your favourite eye shadow colour to wear? Mac - Sweet Satisfaction or any colors out the No.7 eden palette.
  • What’s the one product you wouldn’t leave your house without? A lip-balm, normally Vaseline (especially in the winter time).
  • What’s your favourite makeup look ? Quite suttle not to much foundation a small bit of contouring on the cheeks with a neutral eye.
  • Which feature do you play up the most? Hummm.. My eyes probably, I love wearing lipstick but I do wear more eyeshadow.
  • Which feature do you try to downplay/cover up? My legs, I hate them, utterly hate them. 
  • Your favourite makeup brand, if you could pick only ONE to exist? Im really not sure, i prefer buying drugstore makeup but i lovelovelove Mac (well what i have treed of theirs) but it's so hard to get hold of for me, :( i think i will have to say Maxfactor or No.7 
  • Which product have you re-purchased OVER and OVER again? I don't tend to re-purchase items just because i like to try new things to see if I can find better but I have re-purchased Elf - all over cover stick a few times, love it!
  • Which product would you NEVER repurchase again and why? umm, probably Umberto Giannini - Back comb in a bottle, i bought it when there was a huge hype about it and thought it was just a glorified hairspray, its poo. 
  • One beauty treatment you would always PAY to have done? Facial and Waxing
  • One beauty treatment you would NEVER pay to have done? A Massage, I'm just to ticklish for one... 
  • One beauty trick you can share with everyone? Consoler the corners of your lips the creases of your noes and inner and outer corners of your eyes, to brighten up your face. :)
  • Best advice you've ever been given regarding beauty and makeup? only use hairspray when your style/look is finished and make a triangle shape with your consoler under your eyes to cover up dark circles.

Thankyou for reading!xxx

Friday 30 September 2011


 I got this dress looking playsuit from primark about a year and half ago but its still going strong and i love it! 
i can wear it with tights when its cooler or without when its a little bit sunnier in England like today

 The last few days the temperatures have risen in England and it's extremely warm today. 
I'm loving the way its almost October and its really warm but i am so excited for winter so i can start buying big sugg knit jumpers and cardigans and get out my hot water bottle and my duvet on the sofa!
 I'm not wearing much makeup because of the heat all i have on is:
foundation - rimmel london, 25 hour foundation 
mascara- natural collection lash build up
lipstick - Barry M toutch of magic (my all time favorite) 
I bought my shoes from newlook about a month ago and adore and live in the! 

Dress- Primark
Shoes- Newlook, £16.99
makeup- listed above 

Thankyou for reading 
please follow

Wednesday 28 September 2011


I just wanted to say sorry for the lack of posts, i have just started college so have been spending a lot of time there and concentrating lots more on that BUT... i have started a beauty therapy corse so i will hopefully be able to give you some more useful tips and information.
I have taken some photos and been doing things for my Blog but just not had enough time to upload them im sorry!
serena xxxx

Friday 16 September 2011

Half moon nail art

hello everyone, today i will be showing you how to create a perfect half moon shape nail art! hope you enjoy

 The first step you need to do is paint your nails the color you want the moon shape to be (the smaller part)
 Then take some of these. they are paper reinforcements and can be bought from any stationary shop, mine are from wilkinsons and was about 50p for almost 500! 
 so before you do anything you need to cut some of the reinforcements in half (you don't have to do this) and stick them on your nails like i have done. 
Next you should paint above the reinforcements and peal them off, you should be left with this perfect shape!

Thankyou for reading 
Serena xxxxx

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Cutie polishes!

I went shopping yesterday and had a catchup with my friend, i thought I'm going to treat myself today, because I'v been good with money and haven't been buying stupid thing that are pointless and a wast of money. so walking into boots I see 'Buy 2 barry M nail paints and save £1' it just makes a bigger reason to buy them! so i picked up two cheeky nail polishes up from boots.
colors (from left)- Blue moon - Peach Melba 

A few weeks ago me and my friend Amy (the one who i was catching up with) found this little shop called Fashion HQ and it did the latest trends but reasonable priced and they have a rack of makeup (bits) and lots of nail polishes and its all 99p and i found this really nice glitter blue polish (i do hate glitter polishes because the are a nightmare to remove) but it just looked sosososososooooo nice, i wish it would go like a solid glitter because its really sheer until you put about three coats on, but i got it anywhooooo (as you can see by the picture ahahaa) 
Color- Treasure Island
It doesn't look as nice in the bottle but on the nail it is just.... aaaaah. 
These are the three polishes on the nail, as you can see the blue glitter one is mammmmma! 
I havn't ever heared of the make of the L.A. colors Color craze polish until now but that was 99p and the Barry M polishes was 2 for £4.99 (deal- normally £2.95 each?) 

Thankyou for reading

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Pretty summer nail art

 I have just posted a video on how to get pretty summer nails, 
please check it out and leave me some feedback 
Thankyou xxx

Monday 22 August 2011

loving dark eyes!

I'm normally got with really 'safe' colors with eye makeup because i'm quite paile and not very daring.
but this morning when i woke up i thought, im going dark today. so i started to put on my eye makeup and went with this look... 
You're all probibly saying to yourselves "thats not even dark" but for me it is, and the camera makes it look quite washed out.. but im really loving wearing this makeup today! 

more posts coming up soon!
thankyou Serena xxx

Friday 19 August 2011

Back to school makeup!

So i know i haven't done a post since my terrable version of Twiggy but thought i would do a photo collection of back to school makeup. 
 First of all i mixed two products together to create a nice tinted moisturiser.
 The products I used were Rimmel match perfection foundation and Johnson's baby lotion.
 Next i dotted it all over my face in the places i would normally use my everyday foundation
 and just covered it all over my face with a powder brush.

 Then, using the All over cover stick from ELF i concealed on my blemishes and under my eyes
covering any dark circles. 

 After this i set my face makeup with a loose powder from natural collection. this just takes any shine away from my face and makes my makeup set for the full day. 

 Onto the eyes, i used the palette from ELF and used two different colors one is just a neutral skin tone color and the other just a bright white.
 Before putting any shadow on my eyes i used the All over cover stick again as a base to my eye shadow.
I then used this neutral toned color shadow all over my lid.
 Next i used this bright white what makes you look very awake just near the roots of my lashes and the inner corner of my eye, you could also use this is a highlight on the brow bone. 

 Next using a mascara from Natural collection i put a thin coat on my lashes, keeping it natural looking.
and finally filling the brows lightly again keeping it very natural. 
This is the final look i think its great for school, really simple and light and will stay on the face all day! i never used to wear eyeshadow on the eyes but i think it makes you look really awake and ready! have a nice time at school guys and have fun!
p.s. please don't take notice of my ginger hair :( 

thank you Serena xxx

Friday 29 July 2011

Twiggy eye tutorial..

Yesterday i tried out a twiggy eye makeup tutorial, it didn't turn out as good as i had expected but thought i could still post about it as other people make be able to do what i did but neater. I took a picture of each step i made in the tutorial, and this is what i did:

first put a white (what i used) or neutral eyeshadow lightly all over the eyelid and really blend it out to remove any harsh lines in the shadow.

Then begin to draw on in black eyeliner a line just about the crease line to really enhance the socket of your eye this is what twiggy did with her makeup.

this is what it should look like now..

Then put a thin coat of mascara on to prime the lashes before using false eyelashes

I used quite thick eyelashes because they was the only ones i had, twiggy used quite neutral lashes but they was quite thick. 

After applying eyelashes start to draw on eyelashes on the lower lashes with a black eyeliner mine didn't go very neat but im sure you can do a better job.

this was my finished look, it would be great fancy dress makup if you was going as twiggy and could help students studying makup. 

I hope you liked the look, i know its not wearable but could come in handy one day... 

Serena xxx

Tuesday 26 July 2011


I have been trying to get more color into my makeup, I'm not really colorful on the face. but i want to start wearing colored eyeshadow. so i have been trying out different eyeshadows most of them was blues or purples and i took a few pictures of some what i was trying out but the lighting it really bad because it was dark out sorry!

 On this look i used my W7 eyeshadow pallet with light greens/blues and dark blues, i used quite a mixture.
 On this look i used a mixture of No7 eyeshadows all in shades of browns and creams and blended them all together.

 on this look i also used a mixture of colors from small No7 pallets in different shades of greens

 This look was my least favorite but i used some colors from an elf pallet and a dazzle dust from 17.
 This is just another neutral look, pretty boring but its very much in my zone and was also a mixture of many of my eyeshadows.
 I love this look, i used a gold mac eyeshadow (gorgeous gold) and really blended it out and applying a black eyeshadow as an eyeliner really softens the eye with a really white soft inner corner.

Thank for reading! 

Friday 15 July 2011

Favorite friday

Hey dolllllys,

So this is my first “favourite of the week (thingy)” because its FRIDAY.
I’m going to be talking about my DIY jeans…
I bought these jeans purposely to rip and make them all messy hahaaa, I didn’t think they would actually ture out looking like anything decent, they were only about £8 from primark (I bought cheap ones because I didn’t think they was going to turn out right). So I also bought one of those really cheap but really sharp razor blade things (I think it was a wilkinsons blade thingy one, with the white packaging) from boyes (the really cheap store probably only in England) and started like “blading” my jeans.
Loving them at the mooooo, because they are reallth thin jeans and there comfy and cooool.

Thanks xo